On June 20 + 21, 2023, the Siemens Teamcenter Community will meet again at the Lufthansa Conference Center in Seeheim. In 2023, the proven live event will be completed by a live broadcast of the presentations with teams. Join the event either on-site or from the comfort of your home office and benefit from the exchange and networking.
You can expect top-class key note speakers, practice-oriented user and technical presentations. Look forward to an innovative, virtual conference experience and benefit from the exchange of experiences. In addition, there will be hands-on workshops, guided tours and various discussion rounds for active exchange with other attendees.
Do you have questions about other Teamcenter integrations? Feel free to tell us about your project. It can probably even be implemented quite quickly, since many direct integrations already exist. We look forward to the exchange with you.
You can find more information about the agenda here.