Oracle Agile PLM integration for SOLIDWORKS

A good integration between your Oracle Agile PLM and SOLIDWORKS systems is a prerequisite to support efficient engineering processes.

XPLMs integration platform not only provides this capability, but enhances the collaborative performance across your organization and increases the opportunity for design innovation.  Data structures in both Oracle Agile PLMand SOLIDWORKS are integrated, providing the ability for the bi-directional exchange of documents, CAD files, BOMs, parts (material masters), classification, item status and much more. Furthermore, the Integration Platform is fully customizable, easing the challenges of installation and reducing the total cost of ownership, including maintenance costs.

Due to Solidworks license conditions, XPLM can offer this connector as a customer specific project only.

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The XPLM integration platform manages MCAD relevant system and process data in the PLM system using standardized functionalities:

  • Management von komplexen MCAD Strukturen
    Management of complex MCAD structures
  • Suchen bestehender PLM-Objekte direkt aus der MCAD-Umgebung
    Search existing PLM objects directly from the MCAD environment
  • Oeffnen, Auschecken und Einchecken direkt aus der MCAD-Umgebung
    Open, check in and check out directly from the MCAD environment
  • Bidirektionales Synchronisieren Attribute PLM MCAD
    Bi-directional synchronization of attributes between PLM and MCAD
  • Freigeben und Aendern unter Verwendung existierender PLM-Workflows
    Release and change using existing PLM workflows
  • Synchronisieren von Artikel- und Teiledaten
    Synchronize article and part data
  • Erstellen, Vergleichen und Aktualisieren von Stuecklisten
    Creation and comparison of BOM
  • Batchgesteuertes Konvertieren von Daten-Massenänderungen
    Batch-controlled conversion of mass data changes

Integration of Oracle Agile A9 with SOLIDWORKS for OSI Systems

OSI Systems Logo
  • The Project

    The Integration of Oracle Agile A9 with SOLIDWORKS.

  • XPLM in Action

    The Improvement of the engineering efficiency with a successful integration of Oracle Agile A9 to SOLIDWORKS.

  • Benefits

    Reducing the time needed for and errors made in the product development cycle.

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