XPLM is committed to the implementation of the requirements and criteria formulated in the Code of PLM Openness (CPO). CPO is an initiative of the ProSTEP iViP e. V. for gaining a common understanding in openness of IT systems in the context of PLM.
XPLM Solution's J2xPLM Integration Platform provides highly qualified CAD and PDM connectors. The J2xPLM Integration Platform supports integration with MS-Office, PDM/PLM, MCAD, ECAD, ERP, VR/DMU, ECAD and Data Exchange applications. J2xPLM Integration Platform provides a toolkit and documented user exits. This environment of development enables customers and development partners to enhance and customize their integration solution.
XPLM,with headquarters in Dresden, develops integration solutions between industry leading CAD, PLM and ERP systems and provides deployment and support services to the PLM industry.